
金多宝传真 Children First meetings and key documents

Documents and minutes of meetings.

Business Plan

Our Business Plan sets out our vision and strategic goals and outlines how we will deliver services for children, young people and families in 金多宝传真.

Gender Pay Gap Report

Under The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017, we are required to publish Gender Pay Gap data annually.

Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2021

This statement sets out the steps that 金多宝传真 Children First has taken to prevent modern slavery in its supply chains and own business.

Board meetings

Our Board meets on a monthly basis to shape and steer the direction of the Company along with monitoring and challenging performance and finances. Our quarterly board meetings are held in public this will also include our Annual General Meeting.

Governance and Democratic Scrutiny

The way in which we work with the Council is an opportunity to continue improving scrutiny and democratic reporting arrangements, including ensuring the right information is provided to the right people, without duplicating effort (for example multiple documents or reports for similar purposes).

Democratic (and public) reporting arrangements

Governance Group Purpose Reporting Requirements Approvals Reporting Cycle
Cabinet Providing oversight and scrutiny on Company performance. It will hold the Company to account for delivery of strategic outcomes and overall financial performance. Business Plan Performance Business Plan Policy Decisions Reserved Matters Annual for Business Plan and as required for Policy and Reserved Matters
Full Council Approval of the budget Company Budget Approval Company Budget Annual
Children and Families Scrutiny Panel Forum in which elected members can scrutinise the Company and seek assurance over progress and any issues that arise Oversight Not applicable Quarterly or as required
Corporate Parenting Board Provides leadership and a governance structure for corporate parenting in order to drive forward the outcomes for looked after children and care leavers Oversight Not applicable Every two months or as required

Governance meetings

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