
Get involved

Do you know there are lots of ways you can get involved with helping to shape and develop services across ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ?

You can be as involved as little or as much as you like, from receiving information emails, taking part in surveys, being part of a focus group or joining a forum, council or youth board.

There are with lots of different opportunities across all our partners, we all want to know what you think.

We have listed all the different opportunities for children, young people and adults to get involved that we know about below. You can get in touch with any of them to find out more, with no obligation to join.

Children and young people

½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ and ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Children First

Youth Cabinet

The ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Youth Cabinet is a group of young people (aged 11 to 18) who aim to provide all of the young people who live in ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ with a voice. A voice that is heard and listened to by local, regional and national government, by providers of services for young people and by any other agencies who have an interest in the views and needs of young people.

Who cares, We care

This is the children in care council for care experienced children representing ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ area. Members are aged 11 to 17 and meet once a month to have fun, meet other young people and make a difference to social care services that affect other children in care.

We welcome new members, if you would like to join or find out more information please contact one of the participation workers.

Email: youthvoiceteam@worcestershire.gov.uk

Speak Out

Speak Out is the care leavers council for care experienced young people who have either left care or about too aged 16+. We mainly represent the ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ area however we have further opportunities to participate with regional and national campaigns.

We meet once a month to have fun, meet other people and make a difference to services that effect other care experienced people.

You can find out more here: Tell us your views - ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Children First

½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Viewpoint Citizens' Panel

½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Viewpoint is a resident panel for research and consultation. Panel members complete an annual survey to track views on the local area and council services and may be invited to take part in other research and consultation activities through the year.

Any ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ resident aged 18 or over can join the panel to have their say on local public services; simply complete the Viewpoint Joining Form to register.


Schools and colleges have parent and student councils, where you can be involved with influencing the way school or college is run, but did you know we also link with them and send out details of surveys and opportunities to have shape our services?

Contact your school or college for more details or look on their website.

Herefordshire And ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Health And Care NHS Trust (HWHCT)

Youth Board

 provide a voice for young people, aged 14-25, to ensure the services HWHCT provide are effective and accessible.

They involve members of the Youth Board in both the continuing developments of existing services and when they’re designing new ones.

½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Hospital Youth Forum

The Acute Trust is recruiting for their first ever Hospital Youth Forum. If you or someone you know is aged 14 - 25 and have an interested in health they want to hear from you.

Healthwatch ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ

provides an independent voice for people who use publicly funded health and social care services. Their role is to ensure that people’s views are listened to and fed back to service providers and commissioners in order to improve services.

Young Adults and their carers

SpeakEasy Now

is a self-advocacy charity run by people with learning disabilities for people with learning disabilities, across ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ. Self-advocacy means speaking up about things that are important.

Services for children and young people

Young Solutions

represents the views of children, young people, families and those that work with them in a wide range of strategic and decision making forums.


SENDIASS Young Person Advisory Group

provides impartial information advice and support on all matters relating to children and young people with Special Educational Needs/Disabilities (SEND).

The SENDIASS Young Person Advisory Group meets to quality assure the work of SENDIASS and co-produce new initiatives. Any young people (aged 14-25) with SEND in Herefordshire or ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ are welcome to join the group to be involved in shaping the service. 

If this is something that you would be interested in supporting SENDIASS with, please email them on SENDIASS@worcestershire.gov.uk.

Adults, parents and parent carers

½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ and ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Children First

½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Viewpoint Citizens' Panel

½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Viewpoint is a resident panel for research and consultation. Panel members complete an annual survey to track views on the local area and council services and may be invited to take part in other research and consultation activities through the year.

Any ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ resident aged 18 or over can join the panel to have their say on local public services; simply complete the Viewpoint Joining Form to register.


We regularly ask for views about services through consultations and listening events. These are publicised through our Social Media channels and on our websites.

You can find out more on: ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ latest news

For consultations and surveys about Services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs you can find out more here: News, updates and feedback (SEND Local Offer)

Adult Social Care – Building Together

Building Together is about asking those who use our Adult Social Care services to get involved in shaping our services by becoming a part of our new Building Together Forum.

We want to make sure that our service users and their families and carers, are given the opportunity to improve Adult Social Care across the county by contributing their experience, skills, and influence on the design, development and delivery of our services. 
You can find out more by visiting the Building Together page here: Building Together through co-production.

Organisations, Charities, Parent and Parent Carer Forums

We work closely with a number of organisations to get the views of their members and they also have seats on our strategic boards and groups.

Parent and parent carer forums

½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Parent Carer Forum (WPCF), ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ’s official parent carer forum (formerly known as Families in Partnership (FiP)) and Parents’ Voice, a forum for all parents and carers in ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ. You can find out more about them and how to join by visiting their websites.

½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Parent Carer Forum (WPCF)

½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Parent Carer Forum are ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ’s official parent carer forum and were formerly known as Families in Partnership (FiP). A is a group of parents and carers of disabled children who work with local authorities, education, health and other providers to make sure the services they plan and deliver meet the needs of disabled children and families.

Parent carer support groups

There are many parent carer support groups across ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ, who often become involved with and share our engagement opportunities. You can find out more about them here: Support groups for parents and carers - ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Local Offer

Parents’ Voice

is a group of ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ parents who want to keep parents and family carers informed, up to date and to be their voice.

Young Adults and their carers

SpeakEasy Now

is a self-advocacy charity run by people with learning disabilities for people with learning disabilities, across ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ. Self-advocacy means speaking up about things that are important.

½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Association of Carers (WAC)

is a registered charity that was founded in 1997 providing an independent source of information, advice and support for unpaid adult carers in ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ. They provide representation for carers at a local and national level and support carers to have a voice in decisions that affect them.

Services for children and young people

Young Solutions

represents the views of children, young people, families and those that work with them in a wide range of strategic and decision making forums.


Schools and colleges have parent and student councils, where you can be involved with influencing the way school or college is run, but did you know we also link with them and send out details of surveys and opportunities to have shape our services?

Contact your school or college for more details or look on their website

Herefordshire and ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Health and Care NHS Trust

Get involved

There are a number of ways in which you can . Whether you'd like to give up some of your time and become a volunteer, to help recruit the right people for the right jobs, or just leave us some feedback there are lots of ways for you to take part. With your help we can improve our services and ensure the needs of everyone in the community are met

Herefordshire and ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Clinical Commissioning Group (HWCCG)

is committed to involving patients, carers and the public in their care and in the planning and development of services.

Healthwatch ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ

provides an independent voice for people who use publicly funded health and social care services. Their role is to ensure that people’s views are listened to and fed back to service providers and commissioners in order to improve services.