Passenger Transport ID badges​


Passenger Transport ID badges​

Information for those working in the community transport area.

For Transport Operators and Community Transport​

All ౦ (WCC) transport contracts - except for registered local bus services - require staff working on the transport to carry WCC ID badges. ​

Some contracts requiring DBS checks and WCC ID badges include:

  • mainstream home to school transport
  • transport of children with Special Education Needs (SEN)
  • adults and children's social care

Prior to applying for a WCC ID badge a DBS Check must be completed. ​

How to apply for a WCC ID badge ​

To apply for a WCC ID badge for a member of staff you will need: ​

  • ​scan of the applicant’s current DBS disclosure certificate, alternatively, the certificate can be brought in to WCC for scanning. It is the responsibility of the operator's manager to view the original DBS certificate.   ​
  • DBS Consent Form​
  • Full Badge Declaration Form​
  • badging forms​
  • good qualify, up to date colour photograph of the applicant - a photo taken on a mobile phone is fine (.jpeg format preferred - no PDF documents)​
  • Confirmation of relevant training, if training has completed by WCC copy of certificates are not required to be submitted

​Minibus drivers (9-16 passenger seats) training: ​

  • Smoke evacuation training certificate​
  • Wheelchair tie-downs training certificate​
  • Tail lift training ​

​Passenger Assistant Training (PATS):

  • Passenger Assistant Training (PATS) training certificate​
  • Behaviour Management training certificate OR training date booked (to be completed within 3 months)​
  • Emergency First Aid at Work training certificate OR training date booked (to be completed within 3 months)​

Full training requirements and accepted certification can be found under ‘Training Requirements’


A full 3-year WCC ID badge for a paid post costs £10 + VAT = £12 total. The organisation requesting the badge will be sent a quarterly invoice. WCC ID badges for volunteers are free of charge. ​

Please note that invoices for badges do not include costs of any DBS checks, badges and DBS checks are invoiced separately.​

Using someone who already has a WCC ID Badge​

An existing WCC ID badge holder can be badged with an additional operator and should apply for a badge showing the new operator's name.  If an existing WCC ID badge holder leaves an operator to start working with a new operator, they must return their old operator's badge to WCC. ​

Please note: that if there has been more than 7 calendar days break in service between the previous and new operator, a new DBS check may be required.​

The Change of Operator Form to apply for an additional badge, or when having left an operator to work for a new operator, can be downloaded at Download badging forms. ​

​Passenger Assistant Training ​

Appropriate training is an integral part of our “badging” process as it is front-line in ensuring the Safeguarding of those individuals for whom the County Council is responsible for providing passenger transport. ​

WCC offers a course covering the required training for Passenger Assistants and Drivers

Passenger Transport ID Badges FAQs

Which contracts require staff to carry ID badges?

౦ (WCC) transport contracts - with the exception of registered local bus services – require staff working on the transport to carry WCC ID badges. Contracts requiring DBS checks and WCC ID badges include mainstream home to school transport, transport of children with Special Education Needs (SEN) and adults and children's social care.

How do I apply for a DBS check?

WCC uses an online processing tool called eBulk to process applications for DBS checks.  If you have not already been set up on eBulk, please contact who will take your contact details then pass these to the DBS team.  

The DBS Team will then email you details of how the candidate logs in and applies. You as the manager will need to log in and complete the ID check/Section Y of the application form. The system is very simple to use and full guidance is given in the email.

Once you have ID checked and completed section Y of their application online, press 'Approve' which submits it to the DBS team who will check it and submit it to DBS within 24hrs (not weekends).

You can track an application via eBulk as well, so it will tell you what stage it is at within the process.

The system will email you as the manager to inform you once the certificate has been issued to the candidate's home address; you will also be able to log back into eBulk to see the details of their certificate (disclosure and issued date).

Who can check ID documents for DBS applications?

The owner or manager of the company can check ID documents.  The owner/manager cannot check their own documents – this can be done at County Hall by contacting the DBS team on 01905 846529.

Where can I get information about the progress of my DBS application?

Tracking of an application can be done via eBulk. The manager logs in, finds the application within the processing folder, and on the right is a 'Track' button. This will then take you to the DBS tracking service and let you know the checking stage reached so far.

If the application is still within 'Waiting ID check and Section Y', then chances are you haven't pressed the 'Approve' button to send it to the DBS team. If the application is within 'Application Complete' then it will have been dispatched to the candidate's home address.

Does DBS issue a copy of the certificate to WCC?

No, only one certificate is issued - to the applicant. As of 17th June 2013, the introduction of the 'applicant only certificate' means that ౦ as a Registered Body no longer receives a copy of the applicant's DBS disclosure certificate.

How much does it cost to get a DBS disclosure and how do I pay?

From 06 April 2022, the DBS fee for paid posts for an Enhanced Disclosure is £38; there is an additional £10+VAT administration cost charged by WCC = £50 total.

DBS checks for volunteers are exempt from a DBS fee, and are only charged an administration fee of £10+VAT = £12. The DBS team at WCC will send out an invoice every 3 months for fees incurred to date.  

Please note that invoices for DBS checks do not include costs of any ID badges; invoices for ID badges are issued separately.

What if a disclosure has content?

If the disclosure contains any content of a serious nature or shows a pattern of offending behaviour, the applicant's request for badging must be formally risk assessed.
If the disclosure is over 3 months old a new DBS check must be done before a Risk Assessment can be carried out. **

Completion of the following forms is required for Risk Assessment:

  • employment history
  • personal statement – fully explaining the circumstances of each and every offence on the disclosure
  • previous employer references – 2 references from recent employers

** not applicable if the Applicant is subscribed to the DBS Update Service.

Forms for risk assessment are available for download from Passenger Transport ID badges. Completed and signed forms should be returned to

What is the DBS Update Service? 

The Council strongly recommends that applicants join the as in most cases this will facilitate ID badge renewal without the need for a new disclosure.  

The link to register for the Update Service is . By subscribing to this service, organisations can do an online status check of the individual’s DBS.  

This can remove the need for the individual to complete repeat DBS applications and remove the wait for a potentially lengthy DBS checking procedure before being cleared for employment requiring a DBS certificate. 

How do I apply for a WCC ID badge?

Documentation required:

  • colour scan of the applicant’s current DBS disclosure certificate 1 2; alternatively, the certificate can be brought in to WCC for scanning. It is the responsibility of the operator's manager to view the original DBS certificate    
  • DBS Consent Form
  • Full Badge Declaration Form
  • badging forms can be downloaded from Passenger Transport ID badges
  • good qualify, up to date colour photograph of the applicant – a photo taken on a mobile phone is fine (.jpeg format preferred - no .pdfs) 
  • for Drivers, please see additional requirements in Driver training 
  • for PA training requirements, please refer to PA training  

1, If the applicant does not subscribe to the DBS Update Service, the disclosure should be no more than 3 months old and issued either by WCC or ౦ Regulatory Services. Disclosures issued more than 3 months ago, or undertaken through a Registered Body other than WCC or ౦ Regulatory Services, are acceptable only if the applicant currently subscribes to the DBS Update Service and a subsequent status check shows no changes since issue of the Disclosure. 
2, A Volunteer disclosure (i.e. a free DBS check) can only be used for a Volunteer post, however a fully paid disclosure can be used for a paid post and a Volunteer post. If the applicant has a Volunteer disclosure and they now want to do paid work, a new DBS check is required that is charged at the full cost.

Please send all documentation to: (Tel: 01905 843088)

How much does it cost for a WCC ID badge and how do I pay?

Full 3 year WCC ID badges for paid employment posts cost £10 + VAT = £12 total.  The organisation requesting the badge will be sent a quarterly invoice. WCC ID badges for volunteers are free of charge. 

Please note that invoices for badges do not include costs of any DBS checks; badges and DBS checks are invoiced separately.

Can I use someone who is already badged by WCC?

An existing WCC ID badge holder can be badged with an additional operator and should apply for a badge showing the new operator's name.  If an existing WCC ID badge holder leaves an operator to start working with a new operator, they must return their old operator's badge to WCC or provide evidence of destruction of the badge.

Please note if there has been more than 7 calendar days break in service between the previous and new operator a new DBS check may be required.

The Change of Operator Form to apply for an additional badge, or when having left an operator to work for a new operator, can be downloaded from Passenger Transport ID badges.

Where can I book PA training courses?

Please contact

The Driver and Transport Training Unit, Warndon Depot:

Contact information

WCC Driver and Transport Training Unit

WCC ID badges

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Helpline

WCC DBS team

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