
Report a road or path issue

Report a road or path issue

You can tell us about issues by using the available reporting options below.

Bridges and structures

Report an issue with a bridge, retaining wall, subways or crash barrier.

Car parks and car parking

Issues related to car parks or parked cars.

Drainage and flooding

Report an issue with surface water or flooding.

Grit bins

Report an issue with a grit bin.

Gritting route

Report an issue with a gritting route.

Mud, oil and other spillages

Report a spillage on a road or highway.

Other road and footway issues

Report other issues on a road or footway.

Overgrown or fallen trees and shrubbery

Report an issue with overgrown trees or shrubbery.

Pothole or damage to road or pavement surface

Report a pothole or damage to the road or pavement surface.

Public rights of way

Report an issue with a public right of way.

Street lighting

Report an issue with street lighting.

Traffic lights

Report an issue with temporary or permanent traffic lights.

Track an existing issue

View your incident report and track progress.

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